Lila Wolfe
A writer by trade and artist at heart, intimate human connection is what intrigues me most. I have what might be described as a refined bohemian spirit: sophisticated and discreet in public, playful and free-spirited when it’s just us! I’m drawn to this path because of the uniquely deep encounters it facilitates. Whether it is an hours-long conversation over small plates and lazy cocktails, or a passionate romp in a sun-filled room escaping from a busy, wild world, I am all in.
With my big blue eyes, delicate and sensual frame, and classic but unique fashion sense, you’ll feel excited to take me anywhere. I am often told I’m disarmingly warm, the kind of person you feel comfortable telling anything. I strike an intoxicating mixture of demure sweetness and palpable lust; I am truly equal parts naughty and nice.
PA Donations:
1 hr – 600
2 – 1000
3 – 1400
4 – 1800
6 – 2400
Overnight – 3200